Artworks by
Martyn Thompson

Immersive Environments

2008 - onwards

Large scale photo collages began in 2008 as an extension of a university project. These works have since been exhibited internationally in Asia, Europe and North America, with over 100 individual pieces making up the series.


3D Panel Pictures

2012 - onwards

The next step from creating the Immersive Environments work was to bring them in to 3D using float printing and LED panels to create these engaging displays.


2011 - onwards

The subject matter in each piece is constructed of hundreds of photos taken from all angles around the body and digitally reconstructed. This is similar to a technique used in 3D design called ‘UV WRAP’ where a three-dimensional model is unwrapped into a flat shape to be coloured and texturised.



A series of ten images that represent various happenings from the Sewol ferry tragedy which claimed the lives of over 300 people off the south west coast of South Korea.

Korean Bow Collection

2012 - 2013

This series on the Korean Bow draws attention to the intricacies surrounding cultural greetings. The images are a sequence of superimposed images, mapping each model’s actions, from standing to fully bowing.

Motion of Dance


This series containing around 40 images was shot over a two month period in 2014. The project used stroboscopic photography to capture the movement of dancers that I worked with to create these dynamic pieces.

Layered Sculptures

2012 - 2014

A series of sculptures that fit in to various other projects by layering either acrylic or glass panels. These works act as extensions of Unwrapped, Bottled Animals and Korean Bow Collection projects.

Bottled Animals


This project was inspired by a visit to ZooZoo in Wondang, South Korea, where the animals were kept in horrendous conditions. The series investigates how animals form a crucial part of our own existence, yet in many cases they are not given the respect they deserve.

Videos and Performance

2005 onwards

A selection of videos and photos from performance art pieces I have produced. 


A series of linocuts that have been produced over a number of years, stemming from participation in Inktober 2014.